Hmm… There’s roadschooling, worldschooling, wanderschooling, but what about Ferry Schooling en route to Ikea?
The kids and I took a trip to Ikea Brooklyn via Wall’s Street Pier 11 Water taxi. We caught the first ferry of the day, but didn’t make it home until almost dinner time. That’s what Ikea does to you–sucks you in easily for a whole day experience. Here’s an illustration: One of my kids asked, “Mom, remember that day when we had breakfast, lunch and dinner–and dessert–at Ikea?” Yep, it actually happened one day last year when we spent the day outfitting our city digs.
Memorables of the day:
1. Accidentally mistook a woman for a grandmother in line behind me at the ferry–asked her if she was spending the day with her three young grandchildren and daughter. Oops, my bad. The grandchildren were her children and the daughter was her babysitter. I’ve been mistaken for my kids’ nanny a number of times, so I really felt bad.
2. The kids spent the entire, although short, ferry ride playing minecraft. The only one to notice the boat passing the Statue of Liberty was my four year old–who quickly resumed interest in the older siblings’ technology screens.

3. The checkout line extended to the warehouse entrance. Wow, this wasn’t even Black Friday or holiday shopping time yet!
4. We got back on the Ferry seamlessly in the late afternoon–and the kids’ quickly resumed their Minecraft addiction, again not noticing (not even the four year old) the passing of the Statue of Liberty, the bridges or the city on the return.
5. Carrying a 6-pack of gluten-filled Ikea Cinnamon buns through the Financial District on the way back to our apartment. Overheard a few ohs, ahs and yummms when walking past people on the street.
I already can’t wait for the next Ikea trip.
Happy Wandering! Happy Homeschooling!
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