There are lots of free printables online to download for kids, tweens, and teens to keep them entertained. However, you often need to click through multiple pages before you actually get to the printable or download that got your attention in the first place.
That drives me nuts!
Here are some free printables that will keep your kids, tweens, or teens busy on a rainy day. Of course, they also are fun for not-so-rainy days.
You can also print these projects and bring them with you on your travel adventures. Also bring along a glue stick, some kid scissors. These projects will make for great fun on your adventures.
Free Printables for Rainy Days at Home or Travel
Whether you’re at home or traveling, these printables can keep your kids busy while giving you a moment or two of downtime.
If you’re stuck in a hotel room with kids, for whatever reason, you might be able to use the hotel’s business center to print these out. Alternatively, ask the hotel front desk if they’d help you out by printing out a project so you can keep your kid entertained.
Printable Mini Village Scenes.
This free printable mini village collection is awesome. There are a number of buildings to print, cut, and assemble, including a pizzeria, grocery store, gas refill station, cafe, and cars. If you can’t print them in color, your kids can decorate and color the buildings. This project kept my youngest kids busy for hours.
Paper Doll Printouts.
Oh my! This free paper doll compilation must be the best ever list! The Pippi Longstocking paper doll and outfits is so adorable! (A perfect project to complement any Pippi book reading or homeschooling in your family), as are the vintage Ring Around the Rosy dolls.
COVID-19 Time Capsule.
This is a fun Time Capsule I made for my kids to complete to remember their time in lockdown during the pandemic. It’s super fun, and includes questions about social media, gaming, and favorite TV/Internet shows, so they can remember what was trending during this time in history. To get this printable, you do have to click through and request the download, but it’s pretty simple and quick.
Teenage Coloring Pages.
This is a nice collection of coloring pages for teens that you can easily get to without having to first jump through a bunch of pages. Perfect for printing off and keeping on the kitchen or homeschool table–or bringing on a travel adventure.
I hope these free printables add some entertainment in your child’s life. And hopefully, they will create some space for you to unwind.
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