Should you use Linktree? The pros and cons?
If you’re thinking about using Linktree as part of your marketing strategy or for self-promotion on social media, keep reading.
In this post, I’m going to discuss some of the pros and cons of Linktree.
Affiliate Links Disclosure: My posts sometimes contain affiliate links, which mean that if you click on them and make a purchase or sign up for an offering, I may earn a commission, at no added cost to you. I received no compensation for writing this post, and it reflects my own experiences, research, and opinions. You can read my my privacy policy here. Thank you so very much for reading my blog!
Table of Contents
What First Got Me Thinking About Linktree
First, let me tell you what got me seriously interested in learning more about Linktree.
I can’t remember when I first heard about Linktree. But I know it was long before I first started thinking hard about the pros and cons of using Linktree.
Linkfree busted into the social media, Instagram, scene in 2016.
Linktree seemed like a cool, bright idea in the world of social media. But as new social media tools and platforms emerge, there’s always that, “hmmm….I wonder if it’s going to actually go anywhere or catch on?” The now defunct Google Plus and the “OMG, it’s going to be bigger and better than Instagram, Ello, come to my mind here….
Hey, What’s That Link?
And then I started to see Linktree popping up everywhere on Instagram. At first, I was like, “what the heck is that “” link in her bio?”
Oh, right, that’s Linktree!
Fast forward a bit, and I really started to do some homework on Linktree. Reading what other bloggers and Influencers had to say about it. Reading about the pluses and minuses (a.k.a. pros and cons).
The Big Question that Got Me Thinking About Linktree
But the defining moment that got me thinking hard about the value of Linktree for bloggers, marketers, content creators, and social media influencers came when my daughter asked me about Linktree.
“Mom, is Linktree a good thing?”
As a mom who loves to see those critical thinking wheels turning in my kids’ heads (especially mulling over technology and social media,), I saw this an an opportunity to dig deeper into Linktree.
Should You Use LinkTree? The Pros and Cons?
Is Linktree a good thing? The pros and cons? Most importantly, should you use it?
Let’s go figure it out!
What is Linktree
Linktree is a tool that offers you a customizable landing page (with its own link), think micro web page, that links to all of your social media platforms or important links.
You can then use your Linktree link on all of your social media platforms. For example, in the website field in your Instagram bio, you’d copy and paste your Linktree link.
Doing this gives your followers easy, one-click access to all of the places where they can find your content online.
How it Works
Your followers or readers click your Linktree link. They then arrive at your Linktree page which displays individual links to whatever you’ve chosen to display, like links to your blog or where to find you on Snapchat, Facebook, TikTok or YouTube.
And Voila! Your followers or readers can then click on those individual links to go directly to that content.
You can get Linktree for free or you choose the pay option that gives you PRO features.

Should You Use Linktree? The Pros and Cons.
The decision to use Linktree is a personal one. If you decide to use Linktree or change your mind, don’t worry, you aren’t married to it. Here are some of the pros and cons:
The Pros of Linktree
- It’s free, unless you opt for PRO features.
- You get one bio link that houses links to all of your content in one place.
- It’s simple and quick to open an account, set up your links, and paste the Linktree link into your Instagram (or other social media) website field so you can share your content with your readers.
- Gives you a way to add more than one “link” in Instagram, which currently only allows you to link one website in the bio.
- You get to see cool stats. Like clicks. Wow, my followers are actually clicking through to check out my blog.
- Linktree and Amazon integration means you could potentially earn more money from affiliate links.
The Cons of Linktree
- The free version has its limits. For starters. Limited backgrounds. Limited stats. You have to keep the Linktree logo. The paid version, well, ummm, you have to pay.
- You can easily make your own ‘landing page’ by using your wordpress, squarespace, or other blogging platform and then use that link in your bio. Doing this, you direct traffic to your site instead of to a “middleman” site that benefits from your traffic. Having Linktree as an intermediary means that you may lose clicks along the way, as your readers might not keep click through to your content after reaching Linktree.
- Growing concern that Instagram may mark some Linktree links as spam, which can make you bio link unclickable.
- Some people feel the look of Linktree can negatively impact your brand or the curb appeal of your biz.
Linktree has Competitors
Linktree isn’t the only kid on the block. There are other sites that offer similar link capabilities and features, such as and Tap Bio.
So, Back to the Question That Got Me Thinking
Is Linktree a good thing?
I think the Linktree concept is a good thing.
A great thing, actually.
The idea of routing your readers or followers to one place to easily find all of your social links or content is a pretty sweet concept. It’s especially a good idea if you can only use one link in your bio, such as is the case with Instagram.
The DIY Alternative
But if you have your own website, blog, or biz on a platform like WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, etc., you can probably accomplish the same goal, just as well, if not better, by making your own landing page to show off links to your content.
Plus, you can customize the page as you wish, avoid some of the limitations, expense, or cons of using Linktree (or other sites), and drive traffic that would go elsewhere, directly to your site. That just seems like good marketing sense.
Of course, Linktree and similar sites offering a one-stop content link house can be practical for many people, like those without blogs or websites. Linktree can also be useful as a starting point…think checking the box, until you get around to creating your own landing page.
Do you use Linktree or another site for aggregating and linking your content? Should You Use LinkTree? The pros and cons? Drop a comment and share your thoughts and experience.
And… if you found this post helpful, it would be awesome if you would pin it or share it! Thank you so much! Julie 🙂

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I’m seriously going to work on creating a landing page on my site instead! Thanks for sharing mama
This was great! as a beginner I didnt understand what/why/how of link tree. this gave me the benefits and also choices!
Thanks for this post. I’ve been wondering if I should have Linktree. I think my own landing page is a better option.
Oh my gosh. Thank you so much for this blog post! I have been going back and forth whether or not to use Linktree! Thanks for sharing!
I have been thinking about giving linktree a try for a long time. Your article really gave me a detailed review.
I used Linktree for a long time, lol. I even subscribed to the Pro version for a while. I loved it. It’s was so simple, easy to use, and very customizable. But I just got tired of it after a while so I switched to SmartBio with Tailwind. It’s free and it allows you to add links to Instagram posts. But I think when I get tired of that, I’m just going to create my own kind of landing page. I just haven’t gotten to it yet, haha.
I have been using for two week and my traffic for my website has increased dramatically. I have a new Wix website and even with the SEO wizard set up was still having difficulty getting traffic. This link just makes sense. The paid version works better because it is customizable and you are able to showcase your brand and logo. You also have more control over the page and can remove the Linktree logo keeping all the attention on what matters – YOU
Thanks! I use tailwind but hadn’t even seen the smart bio option!
What a great overview of Linktree!I have been thinking about start using it and this post gave me more information about Linktree. Thanks for sharing!
Wow this was really useful. I’ve been planning on creating a linktree soon but I hadn’t even considered that there could be cons, or even alternatives! I’m glad I’ve stumbled upon this, I have a lot to consider now.
What a great article . I personally use Linktree but want to change over to making my own landing page right to my blog.
This was a totally new application to me – thank you for the scoop!
I use linktree now but definitely going to create a landing page! Good information thank you for that!
Such a great topic! I’ve currently got LinkTree for my Instagram but am most likely going to be switching over to a landing page on my website for the exact reasons you listed in the “cons.” It will drive visitors to my site, and I’ll have full creative control over the appearance and the content!
I’m glad it was helpful. Yes to more visitors! 🙂
Great article, I have been debating about using Linktree for a while now. I believe I will stick with my landing page 🙂
I’ve been thinking of using Linktree. I’m so sick of instagram and the inability to post any links other then one in your bio. I’ll have to look into it more! Thanks for this!
Thank you for a fantastic idea (the website landing page with direct links to everything I want to share). I am going that direction.
Thanks for this. You have really made me think. Maybe I will stop using it. Definitely food for thought!
Thanks for this post! Finally a straightforward explanation of the pros and cons! Much appreciated!!!
Thanks for this informative post. I just got to know about linktree today. Reading through their website did not make much sense to me about it’s exact purpose and benefits. Hence searched more information and stumbled on your article. My key take away – build your own bio page on your own blog – Gosh I never thought of this idea before! Thanks again Julie.
Thank you for stopping by and reading my pros and cons of Linktree post. Julie
Its my second comment on your article. But just want to add that internet marketers needs more articles like yours to escape marketing gimmicks so that we don’t waste hard earned money on something that’s really not worthwhile to invest. Keep spreading your knowledge and reviews please. You are doing a favor for young internet marketers.
With the pros and cons considered, I think linktree is worth a try for creators or bloggers who want to monetize your contents. Thanks for sharing your view. Much appreciated!
Thank you for taking the trouble to provide a very clear explanation of how Linktree works. I have been trying to figure out how to connect Instagram to everything else.
This is super helpful – thank you!