The solo travel trend continues to skyrocket. A recent study shows that 76% of travelers were considering an future solo trip or had already traveled solo.
There are many reasons why more people, especially women, are choosing to travel alone or solo. Here are nine of those reasons.
Why More Women Are Traveling Solo
1. Job Flexibility – Remote Work
Since COVID, many people have unprecedented job flexibility, including location independent work, telework, remote work, or hybrid work options. Plus, many countries now offer digital nomad visas, and co-working space abounds. Job flexibility makes solo travel more possible than ever.
2. Independence
For many travelers, especially women, traveling solo is an incredible way to be independent, assert independence, and find self-confidence. Traveling solo can allow women to feel free–and like they call the shots in their life direction. When you travel solo, their is no jockeying for control or trying to please anyone, except for yourself. You can wake up in the morning and do exactly what you wish… and go anywhere you’d like to go.
3. Empowerment
Solo traveling is empowering. It’s an incredible way to build confidence, self-reliance, and discover self-assurance. Plus, solo travel offers the opportunity to deal with and overcome challenges, which can offer an empowering boost.
4. Financial Independence
Solo travel is increasing accessible to women, as more women become financially independence and as cultural norms change accept that females can be breadwinners and financially independent.

5. Support Networks
Thanks to support networks, like Facebook groups (Solo Women Travelers, Digital Nomads, Worldschooling), solo travelers can find info they need to build confidence and plan travel.
6. Personal Growth
Traveling solo, or even with kids in tow, offers an incredible opportunity for personal growth. Travel is life changing. It takes you beyond your comfort zone and redefines the way you look at problems, possibilities, life, and the world.
7. Social Media Influencers
Social media influencers play a key role in inspiring people to solo travel. There is no doubt social media plays a daily role in inspiring women to make daring leaps into travel adventures. They show that lux lifestyles, digital nomad living, slow travel, glamping, and vanlife (and anything else) is totally possible–you just have to dream it and do it.
8. Relationships
More women are choosing to solo travel because of the cultural shift that values independence and recognizes that relationships should be true partnerships and sources of contentment. Increasingly, women know their worth (or are learning it) and recognize that they don’t need to be tied down to a relationship that holds them back from their travel dreams–and that partners also exist who will offer encourage them to travel for fulfillment (even if it means alone).
Trying to figure out your travel-work-life dream and would love some support? Check out my Live Your Truth Coaching Offerings. I have spent nearly two decades solo traveling with children in tow, embarking on epic adventures, working in coffee shops, and living the digital nomad-life out of a backpack lifestyle.
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